Gaura Mani & Vrajavadhus Kirtan
This debut album from Gaura Mani and the Vrajavadhus is a delightful mix of traditional bhajans and songs with English lyrics accompanied by a variety of instruments, both modern and traditional.
These beautifully performed sacred songs will spiritually rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul. They bring exquisitely powerful and peaceful vibrations to the heart.
Product Details
- Play time: 53 minutes
- Released: 2000
- All materials © Copyright - Gaura Mani
Download Details
- Files: 8 MP3 files
- File size: One zip file (91.71 MB)
- How to download from the Store
1. Om Namah Bhagavate Vasudevaya |
2. Jaya Sri Rama |
3. Mercy |
4. Hey Govinda Hey Gopala |
5. Make Me Dance |
6. My Eternal Shelter |
7. Vande Krishna |
8. Back to Godhead |
About the Artist
Gaura Mani is an american born Kirtan singer bringing contemporary, upbeat, universal music, symphonizing an eastern flavor jazzed up with rockin’ western fusion.
“Music is the language of love. Kirtan is the cry of the soul,” says GAURA MANI. Naming her band after the lovers of Krishna, THE VRAJAVADHUS, the cowherd gopis of Vraja, she pours out feelings of intense love, calling out to her beloved Lord through lively, soulful, passionate Kirtan melodies.
“There’s no greater feeling than singing your heart out for the one you love most,” bright eyed, beaming with a smile, Gaura adds, “Kirtan makes me high forever. I can’t imagine doing anything else. And that’s becoming a problem.”