Back to Godhead Issue, July/Aug 2015, PDF Download

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Back to Godhead is a magazine offering articles and information on Krishna consciousness (or bhakti-yoga). The magazine is published six time each year, and is available here per issue, or as a subscriptionBack to Godhead is also available online at:


Nagaraja Dasa

This Issue

Founder's Lecture: Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's Mood of Worship, by Srila Prabhupada
Srila Prabhupada explains how Lord Caitanya and His direct followers showed the ideal way to which to approach Lord Krishna.

The Spiritual Masters, by Suresvara Dasa
In the first article of a ten-part series on Srila Prabhupada's permanet position in the International Society of Krishna Consciouness (ISKCON), we hear of his desire for his serious fillwers to become gurus after his departure.

Rathayatra: When the Lord Comes Out, Let’s Invite Him In, by Caitanya Carana Dasa
Its origins lost in antiquity, the Festival of the Chariots was for millennia a regional event. Now Lord Jagannatha, the "Lord of the Universe," rides in His unique chariots in cities throughout India and the world.

My Sources of Inspiration, by Prema Vilasa Dasa
Like many others before him, he moved from India to America to pursue his material dreams, but his meetings with Krishna's devotees convinced him to aspire for something much higher.

World Holy Name Week
September 24 - October 4, 2015. To find out how you can take part in this year's World Holy Name week, please visit

Harinama Sankirtana: Taking Krishna's Name to the Streets, by Satyaraja Dasa
When devotees sing the Hare Krishna mantra in public people's reactions range from annoyance and anger to curiosity and bliss. But they all get eternal benefit 

Product Details

This is the PDF edition of the Back to Godhead Magazine Vol. 49, No. 4.  Includes the usual departments, such as Letters, Srila Prabhupada Speaks Out, Calendar, and Centers Around the World.