Back to Godhead is a magazine offering articles and information on Krishna consciousness (or bhakti-yoga). The magazine is published six time each year, and is available here per issue, or as a subscription. Back to Godhead is also available online at:
Founder's Lecture:
Everyone Will See God
Srila Prabhupada explains that even the atheist will see God - in a form that takes everything away.
Ghosts Demystified, by Chaitanya Charana Dasa
The Vedic literature's insights on the nature of reality provide a cogent explanation for this controversial phenomenon.
Srila Prabhupada's Transcendental "Otherness" by Satyaraja Dasa
In language reflective of the era, a hip Lower East Side newspaper's 1966 cover story introduced the children of the counterculture to the Swami in their midst.
Hare Krishna People:
An Inspiration For Devotees of All Ages, by Vrindadevi Dasi
Despite her own illiteracy and the challenges of old age, this determined distributor of Srila Prabhupada's books presses on with exemplary enthusiasm
Prayag Raj: A Place for Vaishnavas, by Hrimati Devi Dasi
Despite the prominent influence of Islamic culture, this Kumbha Mela city has much to offer the Vaishnava pilgrim, including followers of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Death Scenes with a Message, by Rasa Purusha Dasa
To help us grasp the reality of life after death, the Vedic Literature provides authoritative instructions along with illustrative histories.
Includes the usual departments, such as Letters, Srila Prabhupada Speaks Out, Book Section, Calendar, Centers Around the World, and From the Editor.
This is the PDF edition of the Back to Godhead magazine, Vol. 48, No. 4, 8.25" x 11", the July/August 2014 issue, a 64 page magazine that focuses on Krishna consciousness.