Back to Godhead Issue, Nov/Dec 2018, Download

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Back to Godhead is a magazine offering articles and information on Krishna consciousness (or bhakti-yoga). The magazine is published six time each year, and is available here per issue, or as a subscription. Back to Godhead is also available online at:


Nagaraja Dasa

This Issue

Founder's Lecture: Cutting the Knots of Material Attachment

Srila Prabhupada explains how we – the soul – are bound to this world of suffering by karmic

Knots and how we can break free.

The Science of Love, by Satyaraja Dasa

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His followers were experts in the most important science of all.

Sugriva-Lakshmana: Comfort – Material and Spiritual, by Chaitanya Charana Dasa

Overindulgence in material comforts can erode our sense of purpose.

An Ancient Lesson in Self-Mastery, by Dvijamani Gaura DasaThough insulted by a king, Jada Bharata reacted coolly, blessing the king with spiritual instruction.

Hare Krishna! The Film, by Vishakha Devi Dasi

A full-length documentary on Srila Prabhupada's life hits the big screen in movie theatres worldwide.

Bringing Kṛṣṇa's Mercy to the Aged, by Ananta Shesha Dasa

The Vedic Care Charitable Trust aims to help devotees in their final years.

Book Excerpt: Essence Seekers, by Urmila Devi Dasi

A Quest for the Essence of Nectar

Desiring to attract people to the realm of bhakti, a writer created a story based on an allegory from the Srimad-Bhagavatam.

The Art of Living and Leaving, by Gauranga Darshana Dasa

Through the lives of exemplary personalities, the Bhagavatam teaches us how to live in this world and how to depart from it.

Departments: Letters, A Pause for Prayer, Calendar, Srimad-Bhagavatam: Instructions for Rulers, Srila Prabhupada Speaks Out: We Accept Only God's "View," Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra, From the Editor: Back Home, Back to Godhead, Vedic Thoughts.

Product Details

This is the digital download PDF version of BTG Vol. 52, No. 6. Includes the usual departments, such as Letters, Srila Prabhupada Speaks Out, Calendar, and From the Editor.

Magazine, 68 pages. 8.25" x 11"