Back to Godhead Issue, May/June 2015, PDF Download

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Back to Godhead is a magazine offering articles and information on Krishna consciousness (or bhakti-yoga). The magazine is published six time each year, and is available here per issue, or as a subscriptionBack to Godhead is also available online at:


Nagaraja Dasa

This Issue

Founder's Lecture: Somehow Fix Your Mind on Krishna, by Srila Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada elaborates on points raised in the introduction to his own book, The Nectar of Devotion. 


The Authority of the Puranas By Srila Jiva Gosvami

A taste of Srila Jiva Goswami's siz-volume masterpiece.


A spiritually deepening experience: The International Vaisnavi Retreat By Shatakshi Goyal

Women of devotion meet in Krishna's home.


Are you Having PL? By Krsna Dhana Dasa

Applying to our own life the pre-exam focus of a student.


Pavarga: A Lesson in Sanskrit and The Miseries of Material Existence By Satyaraja Dasa

Word play to help us remember Krishna.


Finding Ultimate Meaning By Nikunja Vilasini Devi Dasi

In the words of Viktor E. Frankl, we all "yearn of the transcedent."


Merging of meeting: The River-Ocean Metaphor Revister By Caitanya Carana Dasa

Is there something better than merging with the One?


The Power of Krishna's Smile By Tosana Nimai Dasa

Who can resist the curve that sets everything straight?


Yes! You Are Special By Ajit Nimai Dasa

Why we want to be more than just a face in the crowd.




All proceeds from the from the sale of this download supports the Back to Godhead Magazine.

This is the PDF edition of the May/June 2015 issue of BTG, a 64 page magazine that focuses on Krishna consciousness.